Radiation Safety Network

Course ID:  IG-5


Course Name:  Well-Logging and Tracer Studies Radiation Safety Officer Training Course


Course Duration:  3 days (24 hours)


Course Fee:  $750 per trainee – Fee includes text book and manual


Course Description:

This course is designed to provide basic training in radiation principles, radiation protection/safety, and regulatory requirements to persons assigned radiation safety officer (RSO) duties for well-logging/tracer studies licenses and registrations.  It can also provide refresher training for those that have already attended a more comprehensive course.  The course is organized in a manner that assures that any person who manages a radiation safety program, or assists in such management, will acquire the skills necessary to meet regulatory requirements for radiation use and control procedures conducted by the licensee/registrant. Specific medical  uses (diagnostic and therapeutic) are not included; however, training in the common radiation safety procedures and requirements will greatly benefit persons involved in those functions.  A person successfully passing this course will be well equipped to manage a radiation safety program in well-logging or tracer studies – and virtually any other type of radiation source use.  The course DOES NOT train individuals in the principles/methods of use of all types of radiation equipment, although many  of the various uses will be discussed.  This course is a very comprehensive and condensed format and may exceed the 24 hours in any given session.  Further, the course is more oriented to meeting regulatory requirements than it is to health physics.


The course relies primarily on the use of visual media (primarily 473 PowerPoint slides) and a text book, “Radiation Safety Procedures and Training for the Radiation Safety Officer”, by John R Haygood, 266 pages in length, to present radiation principles, safety and regulatory requirements to the trainee.  It also includes a training manual:  "Radiation Safety Officer Training for Well-Logging and Tracer Study Operations".  The costs of the book and manual are  included in the fee.  Radiation survey instrument operation will be shown using a basic GM instrument (Ludlum 14C) and exempt radiation sources.  The training manual provides drawings, illustrations, and tables of information, as well as detailed descriptions of regulatory requirements. The course does not teach the student how to operate equipment involving radiation sources.  That is the duty and obligation of the licensee.


The training outline was prepared by consolidating all of the TAC (TRCR) required subject areas for radiation safety officer, industrial radiography, well-logging, and naturally occurring radioactive materials. 


Exam - A 50 question exam, using primarily multiple choice, T/F and essay (1) questions will be given to each trainee.  Two (2) points will be deducted for each incorrect response.  A minimum score of 70 is required to pass the course.


Certification of HAZMAT training will be provided to meet US DOT requirements.

