Course ID: IG-2
Course Name: Radiation Safety Training for Users/Operators of Portable Moisture-Density Gauges
Course Duration: 8 Hours (1 day)
Course Fee: $175 per trainee (minimum of 8 trainees) – Fee includes manual
Course Description:
This course relies primarily on the use of visual media (primarily 303 PowerPoint slides) and a training manual “Radiation Safety Training Manual for Users/Operators of Moisture/Density Gauges”, over 60 pages in length, to present radiation principles and regulatory requirements to the trainee. Radiation survey instrument operation will be shown using a basic GM instrument (Ludlum 14C) and exempt radiation sources. The training manual provides photos and illustrations of moisture/density gauge equipment, as well as a small section on the theory of operation. The training outline was prepared by consolidating all of the TRCR required subject areas for industrial radiography, well-logging, and naturally occurring radioactive materials, and then extracting those areas directly applicable to sealed source use, and, for this course, particularly applicable to portable moisture/density gauge use. The training presentation generally follows the training manual construction, which consists of two parts. The first part, which is designed to address general sealed source use) presents basic radiation principles and requirements (radiation basics, sources, hazards, exposure limits, security, transportation, etc.). The course is organized to present information in a step-wise fashion with earlier steps preparing the trainee for subsequent steps. The course includes a brief review of scientific notation and introduction to units and terms. Fundamentals of radiation (types and characteristics of radiation) are then introduced to the trainee. Radiation protection fundamentals are presented in a manner that informs the trainee of safety techniques available. The trainees are then introduced to radiation protection equipment and how it is used. General safety procedures and requirements for sealed source uses are presented and discussed -- followed by regulatory agency information and general regulatory requirements (regulations, compliance, enforcement, etc.). Finally, the trainee will be introduced to basic radiation safety procedures involved in portable moisture/density gauge operations.
Exam - A 33 question exam, using primarily multiple choice questions with 3 - 5 possible answers, will be given to each trainee. Three (3) points will be deducted from each incorrect response. A minimum score of 70 is required to pass the course.
A training certificate will be awarded to the successful trainees and copies will be forwarded to their employers (licensees).
Certification of HAZMAT training will be provided to meet US DOT requirements.